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"Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious stone, a sure foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily." - Isaiah 28: 16 (NKJV)

Mississauga COG was first established in 1974 under the direction of God's Leading and abiding Presence with the shepherding hand of Bishop Yudi & Sis. Binda (who currently holds the position as our regional Missions Director for Eastern Canada). 

Upon Bishop Yudi & Sis. Binda successfully completing their inaugural pastorship at the Mississauga COG, the shepherding of the church was transferred to (the late) Pastor & Sis. Rodaway during the late 70's/early 80's; who built upon the solid foundation that was established. After some time labouring for the Lord in His vineyard, the church was again given to another pastor who came from the UK; a seasoned minister, a colleague and friend of Pastor Rodaway, (the late) Pastor Ira L. McPherson & Sis. Jean McPherson during the early-mid 80's. At this point, Mississauga COG was located in the Brownsline area (an area bordering the most western part of Toronto and eastern part of Mississauga); holding services as a tenant in a Presbyterian church. During the early-mid 90's Pastor Ira L. McPherson's tenure was over, the church was being shepherded by a younger minister Pastor Everton Powell & Sis. Powell. The church at this time left the Brownsline area and was holding services in the basement as a tenant of another church which was located on Greaves ave., (near Cawthra & Lakeshore rd. area).


As Pastor E. Powell's season ended in the mid-late 90's, the next leader that held the baton for a handful of years was Pastor Dennis & Sis. Walters. During this time, Mississauga COG moved from Greaves ave., into the nearby community centre (the Cawthra Community Centre). After Pastor Walters left, the church did not have a leader at the helm for a period of time. By the Grace and Blessing of Almighty God, the church maintained it's unity and the church officers carried on with the administrative duties and church functions, along with a handful of guest speakers who would minister on occasion. In the early 2000's the church members were given the choice between the handful of candidates provided, on who would become the new shepherds of the church. Rev. Duclia C. Thomas and her husband Rev. Alvin Thomas were chosen and they became our pastors in 2003. Several years later under their shepherding hand and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the church was able to attain and move into its own place of worship which is still currently utilized to this day.

Mississauga COG has a great history of endurance and dedication to the things of Christ, for the cause of Christ, expressing the love of Christ by servicing and meeting the needs of His people and the community at large in the western Mississauga region. We as a local congregation are apart as a member-church of a worldwide body/mainline Protestant-Pentecostal denomination known as the Church of God, Cleveland, TN. For over 125 years the Church of God has been a distinctive movement focused upon communicating the gospel in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. At present, the Church of God has a worldwide membership of over 7 million with a presence in nearly 180 countries; preaching the undiluted, unadulterated, infallible Word of God.

With such a strong foundation and rich legacy provided, Mississauga COG is now under the solid and wonderful leadership of our Senior Pastor Rev. Dulcia C. Thomas and her husband Associate Pastor Rev. Alvin Thomas, who hold steadfastly to the truths and principles of God's Holy Word; who believe, demonstrate and operate in the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit for the furtherance of building and advancing God's Kingdom here on earth.

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